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The Real - 2019:
The real was made as an experiment, just to see how I could draw in certain ways and to first time try animating something.
The Real (Mini interactable animations) - 2020:
The real was turned into an "Interactable Animation" To make the animations better via sound and interaction with the scenario.

The Real 2 - 2021:
"The Real 2" was made due to the poor method for "The Real 1"

where "The Real 1" would take longer to load on the website than it should and would complicate the whole system when I wanted to add another animation to it. Thus making "The Real 2" where new or previous ideas will be made.

While "The Real 1" having all animations in one project was a good idea at the time, It wasn't going to last long until it started to load for longer periods of time.

"The Real 2" is made into separate project files, to ease out the format and system on how I want to present them, making the loading times quicker and/or better.

Youtube: Oct/28/2015
Website: Dec/28/2015

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